Lentiviral Expression Vectors

cDNA expression vectors

Monocistronic and bicistronic vectors with different promoters, antibiotic selection markers and fluorescent reporters. 

shRNA expression vectors

microRNA-base shRNA (shRNAmir) vectors with different promoters and selection markers/reporters.

sgRNA expression vectors

Single guide RNA (sgRNA) expression vector for mammalian genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 technology.

Promoter reporter cloning vector

GFP or firefly luciferase reporter vectors for monitoring promoter activities. 


Lentiviral vectors have become a widely used powerful tool for delivering foreign DNA into almost all types of mammalian cells, including non-dividing cells and primary cells. Lentiviral expression vector fromat is critical for the efficiency of lentivirus packaging and transduction. FenicsBIO provides a wide variety of optimized lentiviral expression vectors for cloning cDNA, shRNA and sgRNA and regulatory elements.


  • Third generation of lentiviral vectors with chimeric 5’ LTR and truncated 3’LTR
  • Choice of variety of promoters and antibiotic selection markers/fluorescent reporters
  • High lentivirus packaging and transduction efficiency
  • Low recombination rate

Product Selection

Select FenicsBIO’s lentiviral expression vectors by the following steps.

1. What DNA fragment do you want to clone?

We provide lentiviral expression vectors for cloning cDNA, shRNA, sgRNA and regulatory elements. Select the vectors from the corresponding subcategories. You can also put key words in the  “Search category” box to search the vectors that meet your needs. 


2. Do you want to get constitutive expression or inducible expression?

For expressing cDNA and shRNA, we provide lentiviral expression vectors with constitutive promoters including CMV, EF1a, CAG, UBC and PGK promoters for achieving constitutive gene expression.

We also provide vectors with tissue specific promoters including CAMKII, Synapsin 1, Hb9 and L7 et al.

For temporal control of gene expression, we provide lentiviral expression vectors with tet inducible promoter. The target gene expression can be induced by adding Doxycycline.


3. What antibiotic selection marker/reporter do you need?

Select the vectors with the antibiotic selection marker/reporter you need by searching the corresponding categories. 

Did not find the vector you need? Please contact us for custom vectors.

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