Lenti-HT lentivirus packaging system (Ecotropic, non-integrated)

Catalog number

To order

  1. LPAC-105-10

    Lenti-HT lentivirus packaging system (Ecotropic, non-integrated) -10

    10 Rxns in 10 cm dish

  2. LPAC-105-60

    Lenti-HT lentivirus packaging system (Ecotropic, non-integrated) -60

    60 Rxns in 10 cm dish



Lenti-HTTM lentivirus packaging system (Ecotropic, non-integrated) is optimized for packaging non-integrated lentiviruses pseudotyped with the MuLV ecotropic envelope glycoprotein, which transduce to mouse and rat cells, but not human cells. After transduction, these lentiviral vectors do not integrate into the host cell genome but remain in episomal forms. The non-integrated lentivirus combines the advantage of lentivirus with the benefits of episomal expression, especially useful for applications where transient expression is required or for sustained episomal expression in quiescent cells, such as CRISPR-Cas9 mediated genome engineering in-hard-to transfect cells without leaving a Cas9 footprint.


  • Compatible with any lentiviral transfer plasmids
  • Produce non-integrated lentiviruses with transductions limited to mouse and rat cells
  • For transient expression or sustained episomal expression.
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