HT-Fect transfection reagent

Catalog number

To order

  1. TR-101-1

    HT-Fect transfection reagent-1

    500 rxns in 6-well plate

  2. TR-101-5

    HT-Fect transfection reagent-5

    2500 rxns in 6-well plate



HT-FectTM transfection reagent is a polymer-based transfection reagent optimized for delivering nucleic acid into mammalian cells. HT-FectTM has been used in transfecting a broad range of cell types, including hard-to-transfect T cells, fibroblast cells and neuronal cells. HT-FectTM is recommended to be used with our shRNA plasmids and gRNA plasmids, and routinely used for our high titer lentivirus production.


  • High transfection efficiency of a wide variety of cell types, including hard-to-transfect cell lines and primary cells
  • Extremely low toxicity
  • Easy-to-use, with no optimization required for most cell types
  • Optimized for lentivirus, retrovirus and protein production
  • Cost efficient, less than $0.6 per six well transfection


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