CAMKII-Firefly luciferase lentivirus (Puro)

Catalog number
CAMKII-Firefly luciferase (Puro) lentivirus expresses Firefly luciferase under the control of the 1.3kb murine α-Calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) promoter, with puromycin as a selection marker. CaMKII is a serine/threonine protein kinase with expression restricted to excitatory neurons in the neocortex and hippocampus. CaMKII is involved in many signaling cascades that important to learning and memory. CAMKII-Firefly luciferase (Puro) lentivirus is ready-for-use to label excitatory neurons in the neocortex and hippocampus and study CAMKII promoter regulation.

To order

  1. LV-1398-25

    CAMKII-Firefly luciferase lentivirus (Puro)

    25 ul (1x25ul)
  2. LV-1398-100

    CAMKII-Firefly luciferase lentivirus (Puro)

    100 ul (4x25ul)

Product Details

Package Size
25 ul (1x25ul) (CAMKII-Firefly luciferase lentivirus (Puro))
100 ul (4x25ul) (CAMKII-Firefly luciferase lentivirus (Puro))
Functional titer 1x10^8 TU/ml
Titration method counting puromycin resistant cell clones
Purity In vivo grade
Pseudotype VSV-G
Target Gene Firefly luciferase
Promoter for target gene CAMKII
Mammalian selection Puromycin
Promoter for selection gene PGK
Storage Buffer LentiShield™Lentivirus storage buffer
Storage -80°C
Shipping condition Dry ice
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